Register For Leadership Pipeline
Have you ever considered that the way you view God may not be the way God describes Himself in the Bible? One of the things every student experiences at the Leadership Pipeline is a revelation of who God is. Theology isn’t based on what others say about God or what we’ve believed our whole life in our own mind, but who He actually is according to His Word. This is a vital necessity that most Christians are missing out on. We’re going to make sure you know who we are, who God is, why the Gospel is a necessity, what actually happens when someone gets saved, and how powerful of a reality Jesus is in our lives. We invite you to go on this journey too as we help you embrace the power of Biblical theology.
There is a leadership potential that you have yet to reach. This is true for each of us. Whether you own your own business, manage a company, are getting your degree, or volunteer at your church. No matter what, we know that it is God’s desire for leaders to emerge. As John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence, nothing more nothing less”. We know it is important for Christian leaders to emerge in their spheres of influence and be the light of the world and salt of the earth (Matthew 5:14-16). Join us as we aim to equip you for leadership in whatever place that may be to influence culture and make an impact for the Kingdom of God.
Nate & Leah Leadership Pipeline Story
A Word From Ps. Brad
Oftentimes we don’t know how, or when, or where to take the next steps towards our purpose. We also can tend to be passionate about a God we don’t really know that well. Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to be mentored and learn alongside some amazing teachers of the Word of God. In addition to that, I was put in positions of life where my leadership grew in ways that exceeded my abilities. God used life’s circumstances and life’s opportunities to show me that it was Him leading and preparing me every step of the way to be the leader He needed me to be. Moreover, to take other leaders on that journey as well! We realize that everyone doesn’t always get those opportunities. However, at Transformation Church we want to give it to you!

Learn how the Leadership Pipeline operates.
The Leadership Pipeline operates under 5 key pillars to create an amazing training and development program to prepare you for your calling.
Teachings with Staff
Learn directly from the leaders and staff members at Transformation Church and other respected leaders around the nation on a variety of topics that will cause you to stretch and grow.
Bible Study
Create intentional time with God in the midst of a busy schedule by participating in a weekly, intern-led Bible study.
Tangible Tools
Develop your skills to be effective in a one-on-one setting, small group setting, and large group setting.
Ministry Exposure
You will have key opportunities to use your skills as they are developed by working with teams and staff members to gain confidence in your leadership.
Sharpen your gifts and talents and push past your comfort zone towards your purpose through one-on-one development with your personal mentor.
Character Development
Spend time developing Christ-like character with ministry leaders as you learn to develop what is often unseen as you show yourself approved.
Gospel Transformation
Take advantage of your opportunity to join in with one of our Local and International Missions partners and experience what it means to minister the Gospel locally, and in another country.
Spiritual Development
Pause, remove distractions, and grow closer to God as you engage in times of fasting, prayer and Bible studies with other students.
Be a part of changing the lives of others in our community by serving with an outreach organizations that partner with Transformation Church.
Build community within the church, beyond the Leadership Pipeline, with the opportunity to participate in a disciple making small group and be equipped to lead one yourself.
The Leadership Pipeline will involve once a week classes for each student where we focus on the following Class Overviews:
Spiritual Leadership
Know the difference between good things and God things. The goal is to help you develop your spiritual influence and the character necessary to carry out the calling.
Authority of Scripture
Learn the Bible in a new way as we understand the authority that comes from the scripture and gain a deeper understanding of it’s purpose for our lives.
Sermon/Teaching Construction
Structuring your notes to deliver a teaching is step one. Learn how to build a training, teaching, or message that is affirmed by scripture yet also helps you present it in a way to create an impact.
Sermon/Teaching Presentation
Communication is key. Learn to communicate a training, teaching, or message that people can understand and remember clearly regardless of the setting or size of the group.
Gain a true understanding of prayer. The purpose and power that comes from it, and how a heart after God is truly our greatest need.
Apologetics & Evangelism
Knowing how to have healthy conversations to engage the lost and being prepared to carry the Gospel is key, regardless of the opposition. Acquire these tools and practice in healthy environments.
Spiritual Identity
It’s important to lead from a place knowing that you are proven by God’s love for you, rather than trying to earn God’s love for you. Find true freedom to minister the Gospel as a son or daughter.
There are key things to look out for as you lead, and to avoid pitfalls that have taken down great men and women of God. Become empowered to carry your calling by building up others.
Self Awareness
You have strengths. Learn how they are strategic gifts from God to carry out your calling. Become empowered to move forward into the next steps God has for you.
Stewardship & Leadership
Accountability is an important part of leadership. People don’t support who they don’t trust. Gain the knowledge to put key safeguards into your personal life and your ministry as a leader.
Synthetic & Inductive Studies
The scriptures offer us so much more than what we read on the surface. Take part in learning how to breakdown scriptures in a way that will change the way you read and study the Bible.
Building a Legacy
People are looking to connect to vision. The harvest is plenty but the workers are few. OFten times a lack of vision and leadership is why. Learn how to build a legacy by becoming a multigenerational leader.
Investing in a Team
Once you have built a team, how to you keep them? How do you motivate them? How do you ensure they continue to grow to become better? More importantly what’s next for the team after they say “yes”?
Ministry & The Local Church
Understand the inner workings of ministry or organization to uncover where health comes from. A healthy church takes more than great vision, it is an ecosystem of health. Learn to lead on a macro level as the whole organization grows.
Theology & Worship
Understanding who God is and a healthy view of His attributes are a necessity to lead other people. Many people have a skewed version of God in their minds from teachings that are contrary to the Bible. The more we understand God, and His great love for us, the more we are inspired to worship Him. But our worship is more than a song, it’s in the very fiber of our being.
Year One Registration Cost: $150
Monthly Payments: $120
Year Two Registration Cost: $150
Monthly Payments: $135
*Monthly Childcare Packages available for additional cost.
Scholarships and Internships available.
To apply for scholarships or internships please check the appropriate box at the bottom of the application.
2023-2024 Semester
Year One & Year Two:
Tuesdays from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
September 5th – May 29th
(No Class during the Christmas and New Years Holidays)
Contact Us!
Contact us and our team will be in-touch with you.