Trust To Faith

What area of your life are you trying to do what you don’t trust God to do?

1 Samuel 17:26

“Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

Lions and bears are God’s way of revealing to you what He’s about to do through you.

I’ve been tested already, so I know I’m battle-ready.

1 Samuel 17:32

David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.”

It’s the seemingly insignificant things that usually have a significant cost. 

1 Samuel 17:40

Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.

We don’t come to God to tell Him what we need, we go to God to get all that we need. 

Our preparation isn’t for what God won’t do, it’s to partner with God on what we will do. 

Four Brothers To Look Out For After The Victory

  • Brother #1 – The pain that paralyzes our hearts from trusting.

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Psalm 9:10

And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.

John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

  • Brother #2 – The pride that blinds us to our need for His presence.

“I’ve got too much to do to not pray.” – Charles Spurgeon

Proverbs 16:18

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

James 4:6-7

God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.

  • Brother #3 – The apathy that creates indifference and stops us from moving.

Ephesians 4:17-19 NLT

With the Lord’s authority I say this: Live no longer as the Gentiles do, for they are hopelessly confused. Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against him. 

They have no sense of shame. They live for lustful pleasure and eagerly practice every kind of impurity.

  • Brother #4 – The lack of faith which stops us from fully following Jesus.  

Hebrews 11:1

Faith means being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.

Action Step:

Take one step to elevate your faith by trusting God. 

Consider This:

Think of how much impact your life could have if you stopped worrying about the outcome and started focusing on the preparation.

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